Meet CDxP Founder and Medical Director

Dr. Alan Farrell MB BCh BAO BA MSc Sports and Exercise Medicine.

Dr. Farrell holds a degree in Medicine and a Masters in Sports and Exercise Medicine from Trinity College Dublin.

Dr. Farrell began working in High Performance Sport in 2012 and has worked with a number of Professional Sports Teams in Ireland and around the World. He is a member of the Faculty of Sports Medicine and a member of the International Androgen Society.

He established CDxP in 2022 to focus on chronic disease prevention, helping his clients to understand the importance of biomarker testing and how they can apply the tools of the High Performance World to understand their metabolic health, improve their performance and prevent chronic disease.

In 2023, CDxP established their unique Testosterone Deficiency and Hormone Restoration service to help men of all ages suffering needlessly with the symptoms of low testosterone levels.